Our Strategic Targets

Our Strategic Targets are the critical success factors we must do exceptionally well to accomplish our stated mission and vision.

Service – Discern Needs, Equip, and Serve

Provide opportunities and set expectations for the entire congregation, across all ages, to be in mission while ensuring alignment with core values.

• Infuse the excitement of serving in mission in everything that we do.

• Identify and evaluate current mission efforts and partnerships with the congregation’s core values.

• Identify the needs of the Gahanna community.

• Evaluate the ways the church campus and facilities can be used to support the core values and further the outreach to the Gahanna community.

Small Groups, Ways to Connect to Grow Together

Encourage a culture that supports, empowers, and nurtures small group activities from our youngest to oldest members across all ministry areas.

• Assess the current state of small group activities at Stonybrook.

• Provide the infrastructure for small groups to be successful.

• Fulfill the spiritual growth needs of a continually changing congregation.

Congregational Leadership Development

Create a volunteer leadership development training with curriculum including assessment, skills discernment, recruitment, renewal workshops, and mentoring.

• Recruit a Leadership Development Committee that researches similar programs of other churches and conferences.

• Survey the needs of current volunteer leaders and identify their roles and responsibilities at Stonybrook.

• Create a Volunteer Leadership Development training in coordination with the survey outcomes.

To find a copy of our strategic targets with more information, click here.

If you’d like a copy of the full long-range planning results, please contact the church office.